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Friday, January 16, 2009



Please change your bookmarks/links to my new address, thank you.

This site was fun while it lasted and certain posts (like my JAPAN ones shall be posted into my new blog as it seems to be useful to readers (according to numerous e-mails).

It's time to move on from high school and into a new phase of life.


11:00 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Closet For College

I just found a bunch of style blogs and the genius that is Chictopia.com. Holy cow! I'm in bloody style heaven. So much inspiration, so much style, so many beautiful clothes.

Is it sad how clothes are inspiring me to start college now? I can't wait to wake up in the mornings to go for my classes dolled up in my outfits. Chic breezy blouses paired with a cute pencil/tulip skirt topped off with a hat (preferably my bowler or fedora) and a sweater in case it gets cold. OR! My new star print blouse I bought in Bangkok with the bow around the collar paired with my new (get this) skinny leg CHEAP MONDAY JEANS (YES, CHEAP MONDAY. ME. MUAHAHAHAHA) and Zara black ankle boots to elongate my stumps legs.

I never did well in High School because we were made to wear Alice in Wonderland inspired uniforms everyday. Instead, I always excelled in tuition because we were given the freedom and I shined amongst all the t-shirt and jeans clad students. I always tell my mother: "When I look damn good, I feel damn good and then I perform damn good."

Of course.

Don't you just hate it when people turn up for classes in nothing but t-shirt and jeans and a pair of slippers? (Yes, I have been a victim, but no longer!!!) It pisses me off when I see people in slippers. It looks sloppy and it shows you don't take pride in how you portray yourself to the world. I know you're one of those "don't judge me" people but COME ON, at least don't be an eyesore to others. Have a bit of courtesy.

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9:19 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Marky Mark

Caught up with Inessa today and we went gallivanting around Mid Valley and the Gardens. Of course, we had to do the obligatory round to Isetan where the MARC JACOBS shrine is located.

I found one I really like! It's pale blue and soft pebble leather, and if I'm not wrong it's the Softy Jorie in Denim and costs RM1899 plus further 40% discount. And seeing it's Isetan we can use my uncle's staff discount for a further 20%. So total = RM759.60. HOLY SHIT LESS THAN A THOUSAND RINGGIT.

This is for my parents/relatives (if they ever find this blog, god forbid they ever do):

I've already told them what I want for my 21st in 2012: My very own Chanel 2.55 (reissued or classic). Hey, I think I'm pretty reasonable considering I've given them 3 years to save up (lol).

Pretty evident from this post that between Shoes and Bags, I'm definitely a Bag girl. BUT! The wonderful thing is, Chinese New Year is just around the corner and looking at my prosperous history I think I have a great chance of gaining at least RM900+ worth of ang paos (recession or not, muahaha). So if my parents do not relent *cries* I'll just save up that money along with the ones I have left in the bank and buy the bag myself. I want it. I want it. iwantiwantiwantiwantiwantiwantiwant.

Recession is here! We need to spend more to spur the economy! (I am a frivolous brat D:)
I am now going to make googly eyes at my computer screen as I browse through the more expensive and exotic skins (ostrich :my favourite, crocodile, lizard...) . ;_; I'm so happy and contented who knows what would happen when I finally do achieve my dreams and earn enough money to buy one. *sigh sigh sigh*

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9:28 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I actually went for that Education Fair held by the Star newspaper in KLCC today. To say I was dubious and reluctant to go for it in the first place is an understatement, but after a whole lot of nagging and 'be serious, it's your life' talks by my mother I finally relented.

We arrived there while the doors were still closed but to my surprise they actually started right on the dot on the stated time. First impressions are important and I'm impressed. The hall was also really big and well organized so it was easy to navigate. First stop, my mother's favourite school: KDU. I swear, it's like they paid her money to mention their school to me every single damn day. Makes it worse when the school is right opposite my house across the highway.

After about 30 minutes of chatting with an adviser I guess they sort of won me over as well. The only thing I didn't like is that they associate with Australian Universities which I am totally AGAINST. I hate Australia, NONONONONONONO. Even worse, all of them were located in suburban areas like Perth and Adelaide, ARGH! Why the hell would anyone subject themselves to the torture that is the Australian suburb? I can't even take the damn city, I'd seriously kill myself if I ever had to go back. I'm really not joking.

But you don't care what I think.

We walked out from that little chat feeling a little relieved and happy that I finally had a prospective college to attend in March. My mother even happier seeing that KDU is:
1. near
2. cheap

Walked around a bit more until we happened on another college. I actually have no idea what made us stop, seeing as we had been refusing offers left right and center on anything that didnt interest us. Must've been fate, must've been karma because the Education Gods are seriously smiling upon me right now.

I found something even better.

I haven't registered yet, but I think this is it. It's the one and it only took 5 minutes for the boy (a student as well, even better for my mother to interrogate) to convince us that this was it. It took the lady 30 minutes to tell me about KDU but it took 5 minutes and no sitting down for me to click. Reasons:

1. It's even cheaper than KDU! Like RM5 000+ cheaper
2. Location is okay (Uptown)
3. The university they offer is actually really near my aunt's house in the London.
4. Endorsed by alot of pretty prestigious firms here in Malaysia and even New York City.
5. Opportunity to study fashion marketing and merchandising.
6. Small school/less well-known = less opportunity for running into somebody I know


to the confused teenager at the back. Hello my friend, London's calling. ;D

I won't reveal the college I chose yet seeing as I haven't registered or anything yet. Who knows, it might turn out to be a dud, but I've got a feeling it won't. :)

You could say I left that hall feeling really happy. We then left for KLIA to fetch my dad who arrived back from Mongolia via Beijing today. There must've been some flight from Mekkah or something today, everyone in the Arrivals hall was clad in white religious wear (idk what its called). How fun. I love looking at the Departure/Arrival boards, makes me wish that if I were born male I would've been a pilot. As a female, I myself am sexist towards female pilots. I wouldn't feel safe with me in the cockpit let alone a whole plane full of passengers.

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8:26 AM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
The (Very Late) Yearly Survey

I have a good excuse to be late this time. Not the most auspicious of new year beginnings but I came down with a sudden case of the flu on, get this, New Year's Eve.

New Year's freaking Eve.

Yeah, so while all my mates have been partying it up, going to clubs, doing the countdown and wearing those adorable 2009 hats/specs, I was lying in bed coughing like an old man, my body aching and emanating heat like sand in the Sahara desert.

I feel much better now, thank you. So without further ado:


How old are you turning this
year/turned this year?
I turned 17.

What is your current grade/class/job
Form 5 A1 this year.

Did you get any new piercings this

Any new tattoos?
No. Tattoos are tacky.

Have you dyed you hair this year?
No, and I can't be bothered.

How many people have you dated?

Who are you currently dating?

Have you grown/changed
physically/gained weight etc?
I think I gained weight. :(

Have you changed mentally?
It's like I grew backwards mentally this year. Inside, I'm a Hannah Montana, Demi Lovato-loving 12 year old.

[Current favorites]


I still love KAT-TUN. SHINee, Demi Lovato, the JoBros, Super Junior, DBSK, etc etc.


Camp Rock, HAHAHAHA. Uh...Sweeney Todd.

TV show:
LIAR GAME, Gossip Girl, 90210. This year's doramas didn't make me squee like last year. :( I'm still waiting to watch Zettai Kareshi later though.

How To Marry A Marquis - Julia Quinn. I'll admit, I did not read a lot of intellectually stimulating books this year. Hence all the historical romances.

Japanese, Korean, Italian, Chinese.

TOPSHOP! And of course not to forget, Harajuku, Shibuya 109 etc etc


Cartoon character
Remy in Ratatouille. :3

[Have you.... this year?]


No way. So disgusting.

Had sex?
I'll live vicariously through my novels for now.

Been sad?
YES. MY 2009 WAS RUINED. ;_;

Been happy?
I've been through a lot of exciting things this year, YAY!

Lost a loved one
Not really a loved one, my uncle's wife.

Lost a friend?
Can't really say. They're persistent.

Gained a friend?
Yeah, I think I did.

Grown your hair longer
:D with bangs!

Cut your hair?
Demi Lovato-style!

Bought new clothes?
I could never go a year without buying clothes. Ever.

Met the One?
YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES on so many levels YES. He just doesn't know it yet. ;D


Done something really stupid?
Is being the school mascot considered stupid? I thought it was fun.

Made a new enemy?
No, but I found a friend who shares the same enemies as I do. :D

Got a new job?

Made any art?
My most successful to date in fact on the JBFFA. BOO YAH! 873 reviews and going strong!! NUMBER ONE MOST FAVOURITED STORY ON THE SITE BY A LANDSLIDE, WOOHOO.

[End questions]

Has it been a good year so far?
I think this year has been consistently good. Experienced alot of new things. Except for SPM. Stupid.

Would you have done anything
Maybe my MTV experience, but I can live with it.

Did you do everything you wanted to
do/get do
Not everything, but I'm pretty content.

Are you looking forward to next year?
There's nothing to look forward to, since my dreams were dashed in August, lol.

Do you think it will be a better year?

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1:15 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Until You're Mine

Yet again woke up at the ungodly hour of 7.30 a.m. this morning during my numbered holidays and set off for my 6 hour car maintenance seminar thingy. T'was lucky I suppose cause guess who I met there? Harinder! And from Harinder I found out that my future sister-in-law was going to attend the same college as she was come January: Metropolitan College. (La di da di da....!)

So I shall announce it here right now:

Yeah big deal, let's move on.

What really prompted me to blog today came about as I was having lunch with Roxy and our driving instructor at some small restaurant. I learned that someone in Roxy's class (someone whom I do not think highly of) had recently gotten a job a grand brand name store (I shall not name names)

Now, WHAT THE HELL. WHAT IS THIS. If you knew said person we were gossiping about, you would know and understand that said person is SO NOT the type who would be able to secure such a highly-demanded job!

Which obviously got me angry and all motivated. BLOODY FUCKING HELL, if that girl can do it, then SO CAN I. And I guarantee I can do it 196654265465435113232132168487 times better. Now I don't really toot my own horn (okay, who am I kidding?) but seriously? TOOT, TOOT GIRLFRIENDS. I'm off to the mall now.


And to make things worse, I recently found out my cousin is a good friend of Cleo magazine's Editor in Chief. How about helping out a poor desperate soul here? I am fully willing and eager to fetch your coffee, throw your rubbish, scrub your toilets, make photocopies and be at your beck and call 24/7 for this once in a lifetime experience. I have no problems being your own personal human pet dog. Just teach me something; I want an internship. I want to work at a magazine and see what life would be like for me in the future when I pursue fashion editing. I want to touch beautiful clothes and stop crying everytime I can only stand outside the store window and dream. Even if I must stand on all fours and scrub the damn floor with a single brush and a bucket of water I SHALL PREVAIL because that's how much I want and value such a life. I'm tired of looking from the bottom up. It's time to MOVE IT. (lol, stolen from Madagascar)

It's time to make dreams a reality now.


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12:42 AM

Friday, December 26, 2008
My Hero

Haven't had the time to do anything since I came back from Bangkok much more blog about my repetitive life. Arrived home and immediately sat for my Highway Code Test with Rachel and then the next day I had a wake to attend, and a funeral after that and off to the Curve to meet Inessa after that.

So yeah, my cousin's mother just passed away. Said mother would be my father's brother's wife so you could say it wasn't a close relation and I had absolutely no feeling towards the situation. Does that sound a bit cruel? I think it does. It's amazing how I can watch a Japanese drama or read a romance novel and cry freaking buckets but all I can do at a relative's funeral is just shed ONE tear.

But I have my reasons. For one thing, said uncle is not my favourite. Said cousins are also not my favourite. In fact, they're a very pretentious lot and if you talked to my cousin you'd believe me. The other fact that he attends international school (ISKL, bloody hell) does not help the snobbery one bit. You can see where I'm coming from.

But at the end of the day, everyone comes together in this sad time of life so let's all have a moment of silence...

Which brings me to the title of this post.


Okay everyone, if you had to read at LEAST one romance novel in your lifetime let it be How To Marry A Marquis by Julia Quinn. Why? Because it has the ability to make you feel excited, angry, sad and turned on all at the same time! I read this book from late afternoon straight up to 3 a.m. in the morning non-stop which shows just how good it is. There was one scene where I was practically bawling my eyes out for the hero and heroine but was still titilated well enough. WHO THE HELL CAN MAKE YOU CRY WHILE THE CHARACTERS ARE HAVING DRY SEX?

Julia Quinn can.
Hats off to her.
So what are you waiting for? It costs RM32.90 at all good bookstores in Malaysia.

And if that book has left you longing for more, more, MORE! Then have no fear, I am here. :) I suggest you check out Ms. Quinn's other titles especially the Bridgerton series. Romance gold right there. My particular favourite would be Romancing Mr. Bridgerton purely for the fact that Colin Bridgerton has always been my ideal guy.

I'm currently reading another of Julia Quinn's, which is Splendid. Alexander Ridgely the hero in the novel was decribed as "sexy and dangerous...sinfully handsome and sinfully rich..." (her words not mine) and it got me squealing to my toes. Romance novels have always been my guilty pleasure. Especially those with heroes who are rakes. The more roguish, devilish, handsome and rich the better. I like any man in these types of books to be the kind who can silence the heroine with just a stare. He has to be masculine, strong and the forceful type. The kind of guy who will bend the heroine to his every whim and fancy and will seduce and titilate her at every chance he gets until they do the deed and leaves her to perish at the mercy of Regency London's social cirlces.

You can see I am not a feminist.

Which lead me to wander: I want a rake. I want a playboy. I want a strong guy. What kind of books should I read to ensure that I'll forever get a hero like this?

I did a little research and found my answer:



I am in Heaven.

(all images thanks to our best friend, Google)

Seriously, think about it. Heroine is stranded on a desert island. Sexy buff rakish (playboy) pirate hero sails onto her island and takes heroine as his captive. The set scene: Heroine on big beautiful pirate ship of 30 men all whom have been at sea for a long time now and have not seen a woman since. And because this is my fantasy, all the 30 men (the crew) are handsome and ready to pounce. But of course, hero is the hottest, strongest and sexiest of them all. And not to mention, he's also the captain. ;)

So as how all romance novels go, hero keeps heroine as his own. He chains her up and uses her as his slave. But then, aha! We find a twist in this plot (o rly?) and in actual fact, heroine's family had ruined hero's family a long, long time ago which lead to his pracy. Hero is get angry and plots his revenge by taking heroine as his own (you know what I mean) to spite her. But of course not all goes to plan as heroine (tries to) fight back. Hero is shocked that there is someone on Earth who dares fight his sexiness. Hero then leaves her alone, but for the next few chapters we are treated to endless scenes of said tortured hero trying to seduce said petulant heroine.

And to add another twist in the plot, maybe we can put heroine's fiancee whom she lost when she was left stranded on the desert island suddenly come sailing across the horizon towards their ship. Hero is enraged and locks up heroine to show a sign that she is 'his'. Hero and Heroine's fiancee fight to death for heroine's love but finally hero prevails and heroine's fiancee falls overboard into the sea never to be heard again.

And I'm tired to go on so we all know how this story will end. Hero and Heroine fall in love, have explosive coitus and have beautiful swashbuckling children. TA DA!

I shall call this story Scandal on the High Seas.

Doesn't it have that sizzle in the title? Hell, if I didn't write out the plot I'd buy/borrow it anyway. So much sizzle, so much angst, so much drama, so much endless sensual scenes the possibilities are endless when you're at sea on a big boat.

Sweet dreams (i know I will).

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9:03 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Every Wednesday night at 11.00 p.m. is the highlight of my week. Celebrity Apprentice.

Piers Morgan.

For the win. He's so fucking awesome it hurts. Today's episode where he practically killed Omarosa turned me on sfm, omfg.

That's all. :)


7:48 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008
5 Hours In; 20 More To Go

I survived! *throws confetti*

Slept at 4 a.m. last night (for me, that's pretty early) and woke up at the ungodly hour of 7.45 a.m. to head off for our mandatory 5 hour driving Highway Code thingy whatever today.

I've heard alot of horror stories from various people telling me that it's boring, it's so dull bla bla bla...But to tell you the truth, I quite enjoyed it. Sure, our lecturer did ramble and go off topic sometimes and he did try to impress the Brit sitting in front of me many times but it was still entertaining. I learned a lot about the road that I never knew before. So, yay. I can't say the same for Rachel though, she fell alseep halfway through the seminar. T'was quite funny watching her drift off out of nowhere.

Off to Thailand this Thursday (18 December) and coming back home on the 21st. Then I'll be taking my highway code test the very next day. And then it's 6 hours of practical training (changing tyres, omg) and THEN finally I get to go behind the wheel and drive. I can't wait.

I can pretty much foresee myself sitting inside the car as it drops backwards on the slope. Or the car dying on the slope. Or accelerating down it accidentally.

Not a good thing.

So it's 6 hours + 12 hours + 2 hours (waiting time for test)...


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6:33 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008


Hey, hey, hey you're seventeen today. Lots of hugs and kisses *haptic!* and I hope whatever you wish for like your mad useless $2 000 ball-jointed doll/dollfie/volks whatever.

And you'll never guess what your present is!!! *jeng jeng jeng* Provided my dad can do it, it has something to do with the post office (and no, it wasn't your card, but that's an added bonus, yes? yes?).




8:54 AM